[Tex/LaTex] How to prevent additional vertical space around tall inline equations


I've got a Figure caption with a couple of short inline equations in it, one of which being $\psi_\text{pseudo}$, and because of the subscript + descender, LaTeX inserts additional space between this line and the next. However, the next line is also the last and only a third filled, so it doesn't get near the subscript anyway — and even if it did, I'd prefer to have even line-spacing.

So: how can I prevent LaTeX from increasing the line-spacing after the inline equation?

Best Answer

TeX inserts some vertical space to ensure text elements don't overlap. For these special cases, you could consider using \smash - this removes all vertical box lengths (height and depth) from its argument. So, you would use \smash{$\psi_\text{pseudo}$}, say.

Left shows the original, right shows the output when using \smash (Click to enlarge):

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath
\caption{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Pellentesque cursus odio cursus leo tempus auctor. Quisque 
porttitor diam ac urna bibendum a hendrerit sem auctor. 
Vestibulum dictum congue tincidunt. In tortor neque, ullamcorper 
nec ultrices eu, vulputate eu enim. Suspendisse vulputate 
aliquam est a volutpat. Integer ut nisl sem. Phasellus sit 
amet metus mi, nec consectetur mauris. Suspendisse potenti. 
Curabitur gravida libero nulla. Quisque at nunc sit amet 
risus ullamcorper rhoncus at at dui \smash{$\psi^2_\text{pseudo}$}. 
Nunc leo odio, vestibulum eu mattis ut, gravida in leo~$x^2$.}

Note though that any changes in the paragraph layout might cause problems in the paragraph flows differently.