[Tex/LaTex] How to position the caption at a customized place

captionshorizontal alignment

\caption{Original target}

As I used \hspace before the image, I would like my caption to \hspace{2cm} as well, so it would look at the center of the image.

How can I change the position of caption?

Best Answer

Maybe something like this?

\usepackage{graphicx,mwe}% mwe provides `example-image`

\newlength\myoffset \setlength{\myoffset}{2cm}

\newcommand\sometext{As I used hspace before the image, I
  would like my caption to hspace\{2cm\} as well, so it would
  look at the center of the image.  How can I change the position of

\parindent 0pt % just for this example

  \caption{No offset}
  \begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\textwidth - \myoffset\relax}
    \centering \framebox{\includegraphics[height=3cm]{example-image}}
    \caption{Offset \& minipage}
  \caption{Original example}

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