TikZ Circuits – How to Plot Quantum Logical Gates with TikZ


I have seen many examples of classical circuit with tikz but none of quantum logical gates. Here are some of the quantum logical gates

 SWAP gate
Hadamard gate
controlled NOT gate
controlled-U gate
Toffoli gate
Fredkin gate

A whole circuit maybe look like
quantum logical circuit

Best Answer

Inspired by the code given by @qubyte HERE and after adding some new quantum logic gates and patience, drawing the plot is possible.

Information: more inform

enter image description here


% `operator' will only be used by Hadamard (H) gates here.
% `operator2' is for large U gates
% `phase' is used for controlled phase gates (dots).
% `surround' is used for the background box.
% `crossx' is used for the cross.
% `circlewc' is used for the circle with cross box.
operator/.style = {draw,fill=white,minimum size=1.5em},
operator2/.style = {draw,fill=white,minimum height=3cm},
phase/.style = {draw,fill,shape=circle,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt},
surround/.style = {fill=blue!10,thick,draw=black,rounded corners=2mm},
cross/.style={path picture={ 
\draw[thick,black](path picture bounding box.north) -- (path picture bounding box.south) (path picture bounding box.west) -- (path picture bounding box.east);
crossx/.style={path picture={ 
\draw[thick,black,inner sep=0pt]
(path picture bounding box.south east) -- (path picture bounding box.north west) (path picture bounding box.south west) -- (path picture bounding box.north east);
circlewc/.style={draw,circle,cross,minimum width=0.3 cm},
\matrix[row sep=0.4cm, column sep=0.8cm] (circuit) { % 9 columns
    % First row.
\node (q1) {\ket{\psi}};  
& [-0.5cm] 
\coordinate (end1); \\
    % Second row.
\node (q2) {\ket{0}};    
&\node[operator] (H21) {H}; 
&\node[phase] (P21) {};
&\node[operator] (H22) {H};
&\node[phase] (P22) {};   
& \node[crossx] (c21){};
&\coordinate (end2);\\
    % Third row.
\node (q3) {\ket{0}};    
&\node[operator] (H31) {H}; 
&\node[circlewc] (P31) {};   
&\node[circlewc] (P32) {};                                               
& \node[crossx] (c31){};
&\coordinate (end3);\\

% Draw bracket on right with resultant state.
        to node[midway,right] (bracket) {$\ket{\phi^+}$}
\node at ($(end3)+(10pt,0)$){$\ket{\psi}$};
\draw[thick] (q1) -- (end1)  
(q2) -- (end2) 
(q3) -- (end3) 
(P21) -- (P31)  (P22) -- (P32);
\draw[thick,shorten >=-4pt,shorten <=-4pt](c21)--(c31);
\foreach \i in {-3,-0.4,4}{
\draw[dashed,thick,red] ([xshift=\i cm]circuit.north) -- ([xshift=\i cm]circuit.south); 
\node[operator2] at (U21){U};  %<-- for large U
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