[Tex/LaTex] How to plot following graph


I want to draw the attached graph in LATEX. But i could not. Please help me.enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use the pgfplots package to render that plot, because I did not have your functions, I used some sample functions (the same functions the others have used in their answers to your question). You can use this code as a template to produce your own plots.

Note that the pgfplots package manual is so perfect, has many different examples (and options) and easy to read. I am a basic user of LaTeX, but in a short period of time, I understood how should I work with the package.



    axis lines = center,
    \addplot [red, thick] {4};
    \node at (axis cs:5,4) [pin={60:$y=\frac{A}{\alpha+d}$},inner sep=0pt] {};
    \addplot [blue, thick] {2^(-x/2+3)-2};
    \addplot [green, thick] {4*(1-1.2^(-3*x+1))};
    \addplot [black, mark = *] coordinates {( 4, 0)} node[pin=-60:{$M_C^*$},inner sep=0pt] {};
    \addplot [black, mark = *] coordinates {( 0.33, 0)} node[pin=-60:{$M_C$},inner sep=0pt] {};
    \addplot [black, mark = *] coordinates {( 1.832835, 2.23858)} node[pin=-2:{$(M_3^*, Y^*)$},inner sep=0pt] {};

and here is the output:

enter image description here

You can use lualatex alongside this package too. See the previous edit of my answer to see an example of how to use it with pgfplots package and how complicated functions can be plotted. Regarding a comment to this answer:

lualatex can be considered as a way to avoid memory restrictions (often needed) or to avoid numerical inaccuracies (almost never necessary).

P.S. Because a bounty is started on this question, I edited my answer to have an output which looks like the other answers on the question but using a different LaTeX code. For previous codes please see the revisions of my answer.

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