[Tex/LaTex] How to place two figures into a column on a two-column document


I wanna to place two figures (one with two subfigures) into a column on a two-column document, as shown below.

enter image description here

I tried \begin{figure*} ... \end{figure*}, but got this,

enter image description here

I also tried \begin{multicols}{1} ... \end{multicols}, but got nothing.

Here is my source code.


\usepackage{todonotes}      % create Placeholder for missing figure



        \caption{Subfigure 1}
        \caption{Subfigure 2}
        \caption{Fig. 2}
    \caption{Fig. 1}


        \caption{Subfigure 1}
        \caption{Subfigure 2}
    \caption{Fig. 1}
    \caption{Fig. 2}


Best Answer

You can place a combination of ordinary figures and subfigures by making use of the minipage environment.



    \caption{Bob's brother}
\caption{This is a description that's too long to fit on one line.}\label{fig:awesome_image3}
~ % some horizontal spacing, can be done in different ways
    \caption{This is a description that's even longer, some would say that it's even too long. However, it shows that figure vertical alignment is not affected.}\label{fig:awesome_image3}


figures and subfigures aligned

As you can see figures are aligned horizontally, independently of caption length. This is because I used the placement modifier top [t] for the minipages and subfigures. Obviously, this relatively easy solution works out best if images have the same size, because the top of figures is aligned instead of the bottom.