[Tex/LaTex] How to place footnotes in the caption of a table



Question title says it all, although it can be misunderstood, what I am trying to achieve is through a command (hoping for footnote) to be able to place a footnote mark anywhere in the table and place it in the caption of the table, not in the bottom of the page, obviously avoiding repeated footnote marks (off course there will be footnote marks in the bottom of the page, coming from the text), if possible, using the same footnote marks that the footnote command is using.

Desired result:

Desired result


This minimal working example is made just to ease the need of start a code, however it does not employ the desired technique for the command.

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Zone} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Power Supply} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Phase} \\
 & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Kind\textsuperscript{*}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{or Area \textsuperscript{$\Psi$}}\\
A & Single-phase & Machining
  \caption{Power requirements.\\\textsuperscript{*}Single or three phase.\\\textsuperscript{$\Psi$} Important note.}

Obtained through code

How can this be done?

Best Answer

So, there is a tablefootnote package. However, it places the description of the footnote somewhere in the text in the same numeration as for normal footnotes. There may be a possibility to change this, but there is another possibility, which I would prefer.

With the threeparttable package you can insert modified footnotes and list them where you want. In my case, I like to list them below the table, as the caption is placed above (captions for tables above, captions for figures below).

Here is a MWE:

\documentclass[a4, 12pt]{report}


\caption{This is a caption}
1&This is a line without footnote\\
2&This is a line with a footnote \tnote{\dag}\\
3&This is a line with another footnote\tnote{\ddag}\\
4&This is a line with the same footnote as in line 2\tnote{\dag}\\
5&This is a line with a third footnote\tnote{+}\\
\item[\dag] Footnote from line 2 and 4
\item[\ddag] Footnote from line 3
\item[+] Footnote from line 5


This gives you this table:

enter image description here