[Tex/LaTex] How to place abstract before first section in org-mode’s LaTeX-export


Here's another newbie question about org-mode's LaTeX export:

Given this file test.org

asdf, or whatever I want to write in the abstract ...

* Introduction
  This is my inroduction ...

an export via

$ emacs --batch --visit=./test.org --funcall org-export-as-latex

Produces this error:

unbalanced begin/end_abstract blocks with "#+BEGIN_abstract

When I switch the abstract and introduction in the file, everything works fine:

* Introduction

asdf, or whatever I want to write in the abstract ...

But then, the abstract comes within the introduction. However, I need it to be before the introduction.

How can I achieve this?

I'm running Emacs 23 on Ubuntu 12.04.

following the advice by @giordano, I created a file emacs_setup.el:

(defun org-export-latex-no-toc (depth)  
    (when depth
      (format "%% Org-mode is exporting headings to %s levels.\n"
(setq org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-no-toc)

And changed my org file to

#+TITLE: My Document
#+AUTHOR: Andreas H.

#+LATEX: \tableofcontents
#+LATEX: \listoftables
#+LATEX: \listoffigures

  asdf, or whatever I want to write in the abstract ...

* Introduction

But when calling

$ emacs --batch -l emacs_setup.el --visit=test.org --funcall org-export-as-latex

I get the exact same error.

Best Answer

I usually use the LaTeX code directly for this result


This is the abstract.


* Introduction

  This is the introduction.