[Tex/LaTex] How to not display chapter number in section number (titlesec)


I'm using titlesec to manipulate title and section and other.
Here is what I'm using:

    {\filright \footnotesize \enspace LP \thechapter \enspace}
    {\Large \bfseries \filcenter }


But in my PDF the section are numbered as 1.1 then 1.2 etc…
I would like to suppress the chapter number and only have 1 section 1; 2 section 2 etc…

How can I do that while keeping the rest?

Best Answer

By default, the section numbering would be done on a per-chapter basis with the chapter number included in the representation. In LaTeX terms, this is done using


In the above construction, \thesection is the way the section number is presented, and includes \thechapter (the way the chapter number is presented). So to remove the chapter from the section number, add


to your preamble.