[Tex/LaTex] How to move the matrix on the left side


I would like to move the matrix on the left side, alligned with the text. Do you know how to make it?

\usepackage[paperwidth=165mm, paperheight=238mm, left=2.5cm,right=2cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}

%\smartqed  % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof




 % This will add the units


      % \centering

\section{APPENDIX  }
Here below the matrix when Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condition are set.




%\hspace*{30 cm}
 \vspace*{1 cm}

               % \vspace*{\fill}

T_{1} \\
T_{2} \\
T_{3} \\
... \\
T_{n-1}  \\
1+2b+2H  & -2b  &   0  &  0   & 0    &  0   \\
-b       & 1+2b &  -b  &  0   & 0    &  0   \\
0        &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  & 0    &  0   \\
...      & ...  & ...  & ...  & ...  & ...  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &   0  &  0   &  1
T_{1} \\
T_{2} \\
T_{3} \\
...   \\
\\ &\quad+
1+2b+2H  & -2b  &   0  &  0   & 0    &  0  \\
-b       & 1+2b &  -b  &  0   & 0    &  0  \\
0        &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  & 0    &  0  \\
...      & ...  & ...  & ...  & ...  & ... \\
0        &   0  &  0   &  -g  & 1+2g &  -g  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &   0  &  0   &   1
\frac{2h\Delta \theta Tair}{\rho c \Delta x} \\
0 \\
0 \\
...   \\
       % }
        %\captionof{figure}{Some Matrix}
       % \label{eq:somematrix}
\vspace{1 cm}

$ H $ is a term included in the convective matrix coming from the convective boundary condition and $b$, $g$ are the Fourier numbers for different materials.
H=\frac{ h \cdot \Delta \theta }{\rho \cdot c \cdot \Delta x}
\nomenclature[A]{$b,g$}{ Fourier numbers for different materials \nomunit{}}

Best Answer

With a light (local) squeezing of the space between columns and some additional negative spacing where appropriate. I removed the wrong \quad spaces you are using.

\usepackage[paperwidth=165mm, paperheight=238mm, left=2.5cm,right=2cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}





 % This will add the units



Here below the matrix when Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condition are set.
T_{1} \\
T_{2} \\
T_{3} \\
\dots \\
T_{n-1}  \\
1+2b+2H  & -2b  &   0  &  0   & 0    &  0   \\
-b       & 1+2b &  -b  &  0   & 0    &  0   \\
0        &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  & 0    &  0   \\
\dots      & \dots  & \dots  & \dots  & \dots  & \dots  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &   0  &  0   &  1
T_{1} \\
T_{2} \\
T_{3} \\
\dots   \\
\\ &+
1+2b+2H  & -2b  &   0  &  0   & 0    &  0  \\
-b       & 1+2b &  -b  &  0   & 0    &  0  \\
0        &  -b  & 1+2b &  -b  & 0    &  0  \\
\dots      & \dots  & \dots  & \dots  & \dots  & \dots \\
0        &   0  &  0   &  -g  & 1+2g &  -g  \\
0        &   0  &  0   &   0  &  0   &   1
\frac{2h\Delta \theta Tair}{\rho c \Delta x} \\
0 \\
0 \\
\dots   \\
$H$ is a term included in the convective matrix coming from the convective boundary 
condition and $b$, $g$ are the Fourier numbers for different materials.
H=\frac{ h \cdot \Delta \theta }{\rho \cdot c \cdot \Delta x}
\nomenclature[A]{$b,g$}{ Fourier numbers for different materials \nomunit{}}

enter image description here

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