[Tex/LaTex] How to modify deedy-resume to have a left-flushed header

cvhorizontal alignmentmarginsxetex

I would like to modify the deedy-resume a bit.
The Header in the basic version is centered

        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue UltraLight}\fontsize{40pt}{10cm}\selectfont #1 
        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\selectfont #2
    } \\
    \centering{ \color{headings}\fontspec{Heiti TC Medium}\fontsize{11pt}{14pt}\selectfont #3}

When I just removed the \centering the typesetting worked but the output looked strange (basically every thing below the rule was not shown in the pdf output). So I tried flush left

        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue UltraLight}\fontsize{40pt}{10cm}\selectfont #1 
        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\selectfont #2

    \color{headings}\fontspec{Heiti TC Medium}\fontsize{11pt}{14pt}\selectfont #3

In a way it works, but now the alignment of the text-boxes in the document are off (the header moved too much to the left)
enter image description here

How do I align the texts? Or how do I "un-"center the heading correctly?

MWE of the TeX-file (cls-file below):



\rfoot{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt}}

\namesection{Debarghya}{Das}{ \urlstyle{same}\href{http://debarghyadas.com}{debarghyadas.com}| \href{http://fb.co/dd}{fb.co/dd}\\
\href{mailto:deedy@fb.com}{deedy@fb.com} | 607.379.5733 | \href{mailto:dd367@cornell.edu}{dd367@cornell.edu}


\location{Over 5000 lines:}
Java \textbullet{}   Shell \textbullet{} Python \textbullet{} Javascript \\
OCaml \textbullet{} Matlab \textbullet{} Rails \textbullet{} \LaTeX\ \\ 
\location{Over 1000 lines:}
C \textbullet{} C++ \textbullet{} CSS \textbullet{} PHP \textbullet{} Assembly \\
AS3 \textbullet{} iOS \textbullet{} Android \textbullet{} MySQL


\descript{| Software Engineer }
\location{Jan 2015 - Present | New York, NY}


This is the corresponding cls-file:

% Intro Options
\ProvidesClass{deedy-resume}[2014/04/30 CV class]

% Package Imports
\usepackage[hmargin=1.25cm, vmargin=0.7cm]{geometry}

% Cite publications
\renewcommand\refname{\vskip -1.5cm}

% Color definitions

% Set main fonts
\setmainfont[Color=primary]{Helvetica Light}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text]{Helvetica Neue UltraLight}

% Date command
\textblockorigin{0mm}{5mm} % start everyth
\color{date}\fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont 
Last Updated on

\color{date}\fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont 

% Name command
        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue UltraLight}\fontsize{40pt}{10cm}\selectfont #1 
        \fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\selectfont #2
    %} \\

    %\centering{ \color{headings}\fontspec{Heiti TC Medium}\fontsize{11pt}{14pt}\selectfont #3}
    \color{headings}\fontspec{Heiti TC Medium}\fontsize{11pt}{14pt}\selectfont #3

% Headings command
\scshape\fontspec{Helvetica Light}\fontsize{16pt}{24pt}\selectfont \raggedright\uppercase}{} {0em}{}

% Subeadings command
\fontspec{Helvetica}\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont\bfseries\uppercase {#1} \normalfont}

% Descriptors command
\newcommand{\descript}[1]{\color{subheadings}\raggedright\scshape\fontspec{Heiti SC Medium}\fontsize{11pt}{13pt}\selectfont {#1 \\} \normalfont}

% Location command
\newcommand{\location}[1]{\color{headings}\raggedright\scshape\fontspec{Heiti TC Medium}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont {#1\\} \normalfont}

% Section seperators command

% Bullet Lists with fewer gaps command
\newenvironment{tightemize}{\vspace{-\topsep}\begin{itemize}\itemsep1pt \parskip0pt \parsep0pt}{\end{itemize}\vspace{-\topsep}}

All text files are taken from the Deedy-Resume GitHub page

Best Answer

I think it suffices to replace all occurrences of \centering with \raggedright in the definition of \namesection to achieve what you want.

Since you are using a modified version of the .cls file, you can make the replacements there or with a \renewcommand in the preamble of your document.