Equations – Marking Equation Numbers Without Changing Reference Text


I would like to mark a few equations as special by adding an asterisk (or some other symbol) to the equation number. I accomplish this as follows:




Here is an important equation:
  S_{\text{EH}} = \int \frac{m_{p}^{2}}{2}R \sqrt{-g} d^{4}x\,.
Here is an unimportant equation:
  S_{\text{M}} = \int \frac{-1}{4}F_{ab}F^{ab} \sqrt{-g} d^{4}x\,.

The unimportant equation is referenced as Eq.~\eqref{eq:unimportant}.
The important equation is referenced as Eq.~\eqref{eq:important}.
Notice that the asterisk has come along for the ride in the reference.
I would like it to appear as Eq.~(1).

This appears as follows:

How can I prevent the asterisk for making it into the text for the \ref?

Alternatively, is there some way to put a (*) to the left of the equation, mirroring the location of the equation number (1), as a way of marking an equation as important?

Best Answer

Here is a relatively simple alternate solution using flalign:

\usepackage{mathabx}% extra symbols

Here is an important equation:
\Asterisk && S_{\text{EH}} = \int \frac{m_{p}^{2}}{2}R \sqrt{-g} d^{4}x\,.&&

Here is an unimportant equation:
  S_{\text{M}} = \int \frac{-1}{4}F_{ab}F^{ab} \sqrt{-g} d^{4}x\,.

The unimportant equation is referenced as Eq.~\eqref{eq:unimportant}.
The important equation is referenced as Eq.~\eqref{eq:important}.

impartant equations

Come to think of it, it works on the right side too.

&& S_{\text{EH}} = \int \frac{m_{p}^{2}}{2}R \sqrt{-g} d^{4}x\,.&&\Asterisk

more important