[Tex/LaTex] How to make the header for each page


I am using a template from someone else to write my statement of purpose. The header looks cool, but how can I make it appear for every page?



\renewcommand{\@maketitle}{   \textit{ \vspace{-0.2 cm}\@author \hfill \@date}
\parindent=0pt  \centering
{\Large \bfseries\textsc {\@title}}



\title{Statement of Purpose}
\author{ \textbf{My Name}}
\date{{\normalsize {Applicant for PhD program in XXX at XXX School}}%}
This is my statement of purpose.

Best Answer

There is an easier way to achieve the same result, I think. You can use the package fancyhdr and work on it. I'll give you here a replica of what you were trying to achieve in your question, but there are more options you can use.

For example:


E for even pages, O for odd pages, R for right, L for left, C for center.

New version

If you want to change the properties of the rule, you can add a couple of commands. I also fixed the top margin a bit. If you want to push text down, add this command before the text you want to push (including the title): \vspace*{<length>}. Here's the full code:


\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{.4mm} % header line width

\fancyhfoffset[L]{1cm} % left extra length
\fancyhfoffset[R]{1cm} % right extra length
\lhead{\bfseries My name}

    \textsc{\textbf{Statement of purpose}}

This is my statement of purpose...


...still going.

And the result...

enter image description here

Old version

First page

enter image description here

Second page

enter image description here


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

\lhead{\bfseries My name}


    \textsc{\textbf{Statement of purpose}}

This is my statement of purpose...


...still going.