[Tex/LaTex] How to make text divided spacing on a line equally


Here is an example I am trying to accomplish. enter image description here

How would I latex the second line where it is
overdamped ----- critically damped ------ underdamped

Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

Best Answer

Here are some easy options:

enter image description here

% Just for this example
\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem
  \item{}[3 pts.] Now suppose $m = 1$, $c = 1$ and $k = 100$. This system is (\textbf{circle one}):

  overdamped \hfill critically damped \hfill underdamped%

  \item{}[3 pts.] Now suppose $m = 1$, $c = 1$ and $k = 100$. This system is (\textbf{circle one}):

  \makebox[0pt][l]{overdamped} \hfill \makebox[0pt][c]{critically damped} \hfill \makebox[0pt][r]{underdamped}%

The first one inserts \hfill between each option, making the gaps stretch out evenly. The second one inserts the same while setting each item in a zero-width box. The makes the items stretch out evenly as opposed to the gaps.

The latter output is also possible using a tabular or tabularx.