[Tex/LaTex] How to make Table and Figure side by side appear at the same height

floatshorizontal alignmentsubfloatstablesvertical alignment

I wrote the following code to make a table and a figure appear side by side:

    \usepackage{capt-of}% or \usepackage{caption}

        \begin{tabular}{|l l|}
                2 Amenity & 3 Barrier \\ 
                4 Boundary & 5 Building  \\ 
                6 Craft & 7 Emergency \\ 
                8 Geological & 9 Highway \\ 
                10 Historic & 11 Landuse \\ 
                12 Leisure & 13 Man made \\ 
                14 Military & 15 Natural \\ 
                16 Office & 17 Place \\ 
                18 Power & 19 Transport \\ 
                20 Railway & 21 Route \\ 
                22 Shop & 23 Sport \\ 
                24 Tourism & 25 Waterway \\ 
                26 Aerialway & 27 Aeroway \\ 
    \caption{Tree representation of localities and their location types given by the Open Street Map.}

It works, but they are not at the same height. They appear like this:

enter image description here

How do I make the table start at the same height as the figure?

Best Answer

try the following MWE:

\usepackage{capt-of}% or \usepackage{caption}


    \begin{tabular}{|l l|}
    2 Amenity       & 3 Barrier \\
    4 Boundary      & 5 Building  \\
    6 Craft         & 7 Emergency \\
    8 Geological    & 9 Highway \\
    10 Historic     & 11 Landuse \\
    12 Leisure      & 13 Man made \\
    14 Military     & 15 Natural \\
    16 Office       & 17 Place \\
    18 Power        & 19 Transport \\
    20 Railway      & 21 Route \\
    22 Shop         & 23 Sport \\
    24 Tourism      & 25 Waterway \\
    26 Aerialway    & 27 Aeroway \\
\caption{Tree representation of localities and their location types given by the Open Street Map.}

Instead of minipages I usetabular environment and for vertical align option valign=m from package adjustbox. Is this what you looking for?

enter image description here

Addendum: if you like to have vertically aligned the top of table and image (I overlooked this in your question, sorry) than you need to change:

  • \begin{tabular}{|l l|} to \begin{tabular}[t]{|l l|} and
  • \includegraphics[scale=0.35,valign=m]{OSMTreeDendrogram.png} to \includegraphics[scale=0.35,valign=T]{OSMTreeDendrogram.png}.

Result is then the following:

enter image description here

I prefer the first solution :)