[Tex/LaTex] How to make \Rightarrow bold


I tried doing, \mathbf{\Rightarrow}, but nothing happens.

How do I make the \Rightarrow symbol bold?

Best Answer

Here is a way with which you can make any symbol fat: use the contour package.

\item Just the symbol:

\item The symbol between two bold symbols:

\item Using \texttt{contour} for everything:
\contour{black}{$A\Rightarrow B$}

\item \verb|\contourlength{0.02em}|:
\bgroup\contourlength{0.02em}\contour{black}{$A\Rightarrow B$}\egroup

\item \verb|\contourlength{0.01em}|:
\bgroup\contourlength{0.01em}\contour{black}{$A\Rightarrow B$}\egroup

\item Other symbols:
\contour{black}{$A\Leftarrow B=C\ne D$}

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