[Tex/LaTex] How to make $\exists$ bold


I have looked in
symbols file
and tried various forms of $\exists$ with various fonts but I always get something that appears very thin. As if there is no bold version. Is there a way of approximating a bold version? I am assuming this applies to many of logic symbols.

I had a similar question, which was closed due to lack of clarity.
There the suggestion was to take letter E and rotate or flip it. The results are not that satisfactory.

Best Answer

Hmmm... several ideas (to be surrounded by \mathop, or \mathord — really do not know). You can change easily the thickness and proportion of the tikz symbol changing the line width, x and y keys, and align it with the baseline option.

\newcommand{\ReallyExists}{\tikz[baseline=-0.7pt,line width=1.4pt,
    line cap=round, x=0.5em,y=0.3em] 
    \draw (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1,1) -- (0,1) (1,1) -- (1,2) -- (0,2);} 
Test: $\exists\,\bm{\exists}\,\Exists\,\ReallyExists$

it really exists...

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