[Tex/LaTex] How to make a postcard template


I would like to print some of my holiday photos as postcards. But sadly, all companies I have seen so far do not offer easy possibilities to create the back of the post card.

So I want to make a template for A6 post cards.


\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}  % German umlauts
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % German umlauts
\usepackage{hyperref}  % seems to be important for multicols
\pagenumbering{gobble}  % disable page numbering
\usepackage{multicol}  % split page in two parts

    Skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania\\
    {\small Photographer: Max Mustermann}
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Name
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Street + Nr
    \rule{2.2cm}{0.01cm}\hspace*{0.2cm}\rule{3.4cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % zip code + town
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\\ % country


enter image description here


The first helping line (commented with Name) should get placed on the right side after about half of the page width. But it gets placed on the left side. How can I fix that?

Just in case somebody thinks he can do it, I have a super-duper bonus question: It would eventually be nice to make a small stamp template in the upper right corner. Feel free to adjust anything to make it look nicer 🙂
(Usually, I would simply add an image. But there seems not to be any stamp template image on Wikipedia.)

Best Answer

The key was to add a \par before or after the \columnbreak to get the line moved over.

Below I give two versions: without a stamp, and with postage (misaligned and postmarked).

To address the postage, I just placed a \framebox of specified size, using \hfill to push it to the right margin.

\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}  % German umlauts
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % German umlauts
\usepackage{hyperref}  % seems to be important for multicols
\pagenumbering{gobble}  % disable page numbering
\usepackage{multicol}  % split page in two parts

    Skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania\\
    {\small Photographer: Max Mustermann}
    \hfill\framebox(40,50){\scriptsize Postage}\par
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Name
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Street + Nr
    \rule{2.2cm}{0.01cm}\hspace*{0.2cm}\rule{3.4cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % zip code + town
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\\ % country

enter image description here

To get an actual stamp there, I used http://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/050604/050604_jennystamp_hmed_7a.grid-6x2.jpg and http://www.photojewelrymaking.com/images/products/detail/postmark.jpg and came up with this, making your postcard extremely valuable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_Jenny).

However, it is an obvious forgery, as the postmark pre-dates the stamp by 9 years, and originates in the wrong nation.

\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}  % German umlauts
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % German umlauts
\usepackage{hyperref}  % seems to be important for multicols
\pagenumbering{gobble}  % disable page numbering
\usepackage{multicol}  % split page in two parts
    Skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania\\
    {\small Photographer: Max Mustermann}
    \stackon[0pt]{\raisebox{8pt}{\framebox(40,50){\scriptsize Postage}}}%
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Name
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % Street + Nr
    \rule{2.2cm}{0.01cm}\hspace*{0.2cm}\rule{3.4cm}{0.01cm}\vspace*{1cm}\\ % zip code + town
    \rule{5.8cm}{0.01cm}\\ % country

enter image description here