[Tex/LaTex] How to make a grid of images


Is it possible to place 4 images in an 2×2 grid? I don't want to float them, I don't want any captions. Each image should have the same width.


Thanks for all the answers. After trying it out, I realized, that I forgot to ask one point:

Suppose I have a counter like this:


Now I want to add \num before each picture, the enumeration should be displayed above to the left of each image.

Best Answer

This works for me:




    \advance\@tempdima by \ht0
    \advance\@tempdima by -#1\relax


% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt}


    & \num\putindeepbox[7pt]{\includegraphics{whatever.jpg}} \\
    & \num\putindeepbox[7pt]{\includegraphics{whatever.jpg}} \\



(Edited to include pseudo-captions; the macro \putindeepbox takes something and puts it into a box of height equal to 0.7\baselineskip by default (i.e., the height of a \strut) and deep enough to accomodate for the given material. Somehow in tabular \baselineskip gets reset to zero, so I've hardcoded the height manually. Not very elegant, but works - feel free to improve it;). Notice also some dirty tricks with boxes - hopefully someone will find a cleaner way to do it. I hope that this is what you wanted, and that it is not too late... See also comments below to make spacing better.)

The spacing is not perfect; you can manipulate the horizontal spacing with tabcolsep, AFAIK there is no such parameter for vertical spacing in tabular.