[Tex/LaTex] How to make a clean and grouped nomenclature list


The nomenclature groups are:

Acronyms: two columns (abbrev. – description)

Roman symbols: three columns (symbol – description – unit)

Greek symbols: three columns (symbol – description – unit)

The symbols should be sorted alphabetically.

An example

My current nomenclature settings:

%                        Nomenclature
%\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols and Abbrev.}
   \item[\textbf{Acronyms}] }{%                  A - Acronyms
     \item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%            R - Roman
        \item[\textbf{Symbols}]}{%          G - Greek
           \item[\textbf{Superscripts  }]}{{%          S - Superscripts
         \item[\textbf{Subscripts }]}{{%                 U - Subscripts
         \item[\textbf{Other Symbols }]}%            X - Other Symbols
\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{\hspace{1 em}#1}%{\hspace{1.5 em}#1}

After using the modified settings, the nomenclature looks like:

enter image description here

Well, the description should be aligned in the mid-column, while Units aligns like symbols at the same line. How to figure this out?

Best Answer

You can define the command


and use it inside \nomenclature commands to insert the unit, as in the following example (I've also loaded siunitx to properly print units):

\nomenclature[r]{$v$}{Fluid velocity\nomunit{\si{\metre\per\second}}}

This is a full MWE (I've also adjusted a little your settings)



    \item[\textbf{Acronyms}]}{%                A - Acronyms
    \item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%           R - Roman
    \item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%           G - Greek
    \item[\textbf{Superscripts}]}{%            S - Superscripts
    \item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{%              U - Subscripts
    \item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{%           X - Other Symbols




$\textrm{CFD}$ and $v$ and $\phi$

\nomenclature[a]{CFD}{Computational Fluid Dynamics}
\nomenclature[r]{$v$}{Fluid velocity\nomunit{\si{\metre\per\second}}}
\nomenclature[g]{$\phi$}{Coefficient of viscosity\nomunit{\si{\pascal\second}}}



The result is:

enter image description here

If you want the units to be left aligned, you can change the definition of \nomunit to


and the result will be:

enter image description here

If you have to print longer units increase 1cm to a suitable value.


To achieve what you say in the edit of your question, when you have an item with a long description, the best thing to do is to insert the description in a \parbox, like this one

\nomenclature[x]{$x$}{\parbox[t]{.75\textwidth}{Unknown variable with a very very very 
very very very very very very very very very very long description}\nomunit{\si{\second}}}

The result is

enter image description here

Adjust .75\textwidth to your needs. Note that it is quite difficult to modify the thenomenclature environment to achieve something that does this automatically...