[Tex/LaTex] How to make a block transparent for a background image


I use the code


to get a background image in a Beamer/Latex presentation. However, blocks, for example, are not transparent (they have white background so that the image can't bee seen). The same is true for the title on the titlepage.

How can I set the blocks/titles such that they are transparent?

Best Answer

You could specify the opacity of your blocks using \addtobeamertemplate:

 \addtobeamertemplate{block begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}
 \addtobeamertemplate{block alerted begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}
 \addtobeamertemplate{block example begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}

It doesn't work well if you use block shadows though.




\addtobeamertemplate{block begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}
\addtobeamertemplate{block alerted begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}
\addtobeamertemplate{block example begin}{\pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}}{\pgfsetfillopacity{1}}


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