[Tex/LaTex] How to left align caption inside subtable


I have the following code:


% things needed to include figures
\usepackage{subfigure, graphicx}
% float must be included for the [H] to actually work
% formulas
% Added to adjust captions
% added to adjust margins at the suggestion of Dr. Matt
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}

% 2 column side by side table
  \subtable[Half-life for $^{108}$Ag] {%

    % -----------------------------------------------------%
    \begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip 1cm} c}
      Accepted $T_{1/2}$ & Experimental $T_{1/2}$\\
      (s) & (s)\\
      142.92 & 158 $\pm$ 7\\
    % -----------------------------------------------------%

  \subtable[Half-life for $^{110}$Ag] {%

    % -----------------------------------------------------%
    \begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip 1cm} c}
      Accepted $T_{1/2}$ & Experimental $T_{1/2}$\\
      (s) & (s)\\
      24.6 & 21 $\pm$ 2\\
    % -----------------------------------------------------%

  \caption{2 Column tables side by side}

That produces this result:
enter image description here

I'd like the captions to be left aligned. How would I go about doing this?

Best Answer

To your question:

subcaption package supports the caption package and use its \captionsetup interface.


where raggedright is left aligned.

In the problem subfigure-and-subfig-packages-deprecated, subcaption is recommended.


instead of subfigure.

And I change your subtable environment style:

    % -----------------------------------------------------%
    \caption{Half-life for $^{108}$Ag} \label{lefttable}
    \begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip 1cm} c}
      Accepted $T_{1/2}$ & Experimental $T_{1/2}$\\
      (s) & (s)\\
      142.92 & 158 $\pm$ 7\\
    % -----------------------------------------------------%  
    % -----------------------------------------------------%
    \caption{Half-life for $^{110}$Ag}     \label{righttable}
    \begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip 1cm} c}
      Accepted $T_{1/2}$ & Experimental $T_{1/2}$\\
      (s) & (s)\\
      24.6 & 21 $\pm$ 2\\
    % -----------------------------------------------------%
  \caption{2 Column tables side by side}

And output is enter image description here

Noting that the overall width (lefttable + righttable) should be less than \textwidth. And the option in [b] is vertical position for that sub-table. In your case, same height tables would make b and t no difference.