[Tex/LaTex] How to layout four figures with floatrow, two of them vertically


how can I get a layout like the one below in my document?

_____________  _____________  _______________
|Big Picture1| |Big Picture2| |Small Picture1|
|            | |            | |______________|
|            | |            |   c) subfigure
|            | |            | _______________
|            | |            | |Small Picture2|
|____________| |____________| |______________|
 a) subfigure   b) subfigure    d) subfigure
            Fig. 1: four subfigures

I tried the floatrow package and managed to get two figures with two subfigures, respectively. But how do I combine them into one figure?


\end{subfloatrow} \\

Best Answer

Here's one possibility; you might need to adjust some lengths according to your actual needs:



  \vbox to 6.3cm{%
}{\caption{four subfigures}}


enter image description here