[Tex/LaTex] How to install TeX/LaTeX on Windows


I am new to TeX/LaTeX. How do I install TeX on Windows (7)? It seems that there are many different implementations, so which one is best for my OS?

Best Answer

You can choose between TeX Live and MiKTeX. In practice, it does not make a difference in which distribution you use. Especially if you are new to LaTeX. However, you should take care that you install the full version, with all packages, and not a minimal or base version.

You get MiKTeX from here (choose the 'MiKTeX 2.9 Net Installer') and TeX Live here.

Both install a basic editor (TeXworks). I have the experience from my workshops with students, that they have problems with that editor. I introduced TeXstudio which worked quite well in the lectures.