[Tex/LaTex] how to Install new packages during freeze period


Apparently TeX Live 2017 is now in the freeze period in anticipation of Tex Live 2018, because I tried running sudo tlmgr install tikz (for a re-install of TeX Live I was doing), and I hit this error:

TeX Live 2017 is frozen forever and will no
longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.

If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
pretests are available), please read http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.mirrors.hoobly.com/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2017/tlpkg/backups
tlmgr: no updates available

Given I don't have the time to wait until whenever TeX Live 2018 releases to install tikz, is there a way to circumvent the freeze, or will I have to manually install packages from CTAN?

Best Answer

  1. You claim to have issued sudo tlmgr install tikz, but if I do it on my machine I get

    > sudo tlmgr install tikz
    TeX Live 2017 is frozen forever and will no
    longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.
    If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
    pretests are available), please read http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
    Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
    tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
    tlmgr install: package tikz not present in repository.
    tlmgr: action install returned an error; continuing.
    tlmgr: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.
  2. If I try to install an already installed package, I get

    > sudo tlmgr install regexpatch
    TeX Live 2017 is frozen forever and will no
    longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.
    If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
    pretests are available), please read http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
    Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
    tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
    tlmgr install: package already present: regexpatch
  3. I only get the message you report if I try to update:

    > sudo tlmgr update --all
    TeX Live 2017 is frozen forever and will no
    longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.
    If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
    pretests are available), please read http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
    Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
    tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
    tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2017/tlpkg/backups
    tlmgr: no updates available

Now, if you don't have TikZ/PGF on your machine, the correct way to install it should be

sudo tlmgr install pgf