[Tex/LaTex] How to install correctly simhei.ttf and simsun.ttc for pdflatex on TEX Live 2013


I have simple document (don't think about the meaning of Chinese characters, they are there only for testing purpose):

\documentclass[UTF8,a4paper, 11pt]{ctexart}

If I compile it on my Linux machine, with a fresh complete installation of the TEX Live 2013, using:

pdflatex --shell-escape --synctex=1 document.tex

and both simhei.ttf and simsun.ttc are in the same folder like document.tex, then everything is fine and I get a nice PDF file.

However, if any of simhei.ttf and simsun.ttc are missing in this folder, then I am getting error message. Either

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file simsun.ttc): cannot open TrueType font file for reading


!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file simhei.ttf): cannot open TrueType font file for reading

After 4 hours of testing and googling I still cannot figure out where to put these two files to avoid necessity to copy these into document root when I need work with Chinese characters again…

So far I have tested (with no luck):


(Additional fc-cache -fv performed of course.)

The result of fc-list :lang=zh-cn is:

FangSong,仿宋:style=Regular,Normal,obyčejné,Standard,Κανονικά,Normaali,Normál,Normale,Stand    aard,Normalny,Обычный,Normálne,Navadno,Arrunta
Efont Fixed Wide:style=Italic
Efont Biwidth:style=Bold Italic

Any help will be highly appreciated!

Best Answer

Cfr is correct, it was sudo mktexlsr /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local what I was looking for. Thank you!