[Tex/LaTex] How to install a font on MacTeX 2013


I don't understand why fonts that work perfectly fine on Windows with TeXLive 2013 don't work on my Mac with MacTeX-2013, but whatever. I need to install "Linux Libertine O," but do not know how to do it. The instructions I find online all seem to be for older versions of MacTeX and OS X. I need the font to work with XeLaTeX. If there is a large font distribution/package of some sort that I can use that would be ideal so that I don't keep having to install fonts one by one.

Best Answer

Do you have Linux Libertine installed as an OTF in your Mac? If so, using fontspec + XeLaTeX should "just work".

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,Numbers=OldStyle]{Linux Libertine O}
Testing, 1, 2, 3.

$ pdffonts ~/tmp/TeX/libertine.pdf

name type encoding emb sub uni object ID

OKMUQH+LinLibertineO-Identity-H CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 5 0

enter image description here

edit: As per Joseph Wright's request for clarification: I have installed the Linux Libertine OTF package as a system-wide font (i.e. accessible to any application on my Mac)

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