[Tex/LaTex] How to insert square bracket in multi-row table


I have tried to insert square bracket in multi-row table. As shown in picture, from Fourth row and second column to seventh row and Third column, I want to insert square pair brackets and "/times2" right side in every cell.

Here is my start code,

Type & VoVNet-39 & VoVNet-29 & Output\\ \hline
Stem & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}3x3 conv, 64,  stride=2\\ 3x3 conv, 64,  stride=1\\ 3x3 conv, 128, stride=1\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}3x3 conv, 32, stride=2\\ 3x3 conv, 32, stride=1\\ 3x3 conv, 64, stride=1\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}112\\ 112\\ 112\end{tabular} \\ \hline
Pooling  & 3x3 max pool, stride=2 & 3x3 max pool, stride=2  & 56x56  \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}DRF block\\ stage 2\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 128{]}x5  \\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 256{]}\end{tabular}   & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 64{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 64{]}\end{tabular} & 56x56 \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}DRF block\\ stage 3\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 160{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 512{]}\end{tabular}  & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 80{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 128{]}\end{tabular} & 28x28  \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}DRF block\\ stage 4\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 192{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 786{]}\end{tabular}  & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 192{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 786{]}\end{tabular} & 14x14  \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}DRF block\\ stage 5\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 192{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 786{]}\end{tabular}  & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}{[}3x3 conv, 192{]}x5\\ concat \& {[}1x1 conv, 786{]}\end{tabular} & 7x7  \\ \hline

Best Answer

I suggest removing the vertical rules that add nothing to the understanding of the table (they actually hinder reading).

For the split cells it's better to define a specific command that can be supplemented with another for bracketing them.

Instead of x I used \texttimes.

Don't scale your tables; here \small is sufficient for the standard text width of article: experiment with your own setup.





Type & VoVNet-39 & VoVNet-29 & Output\\
Stem &
  \splitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 64,  stride=2\\ 3\texttimes3 conv, 64,  stride=1\\
             3\texttimes3 conv, 128, stride=1} &
  \splitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 32, stride=2\\ 3\texttimes3 conv, 32, stride=1\\
             3\texttimes3 conv, 64, stride=1} &
  \splitcell{112\\ 112\\ 112} \\
Pooling  & 3\texttimes3 maxpool, stride=2 & 3\texttimes3 maxpool, stride=2  & 56\texttimes56  \\
\splitcell{DRF block\\ stage 2} &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 128\texttimes5  \\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 256}\texttimes2 &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 64\texttimes5 \\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 64}\texttimes2 &
  56\texttimes56 \\
\splitcell{DRF block\\ stage 3} &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 160\texttimes5 \\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 512}\texttimes2 &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 80\texttimes5 \\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 128}\texttimes2 &
  28\texttimes28 \\
\splitcell{DRF block\\ stage 4} &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 192\texttimes5 \\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 786}\texttimes2 &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 192\texttimes5\\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 786}\texttimes2 &
  14\texttimes14 \\
\splitcell{DRF block\\ stage 5} &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 192\texttimes5\\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 786}\texttimes2 &
  \bsplitcell{3\texttimes3 conv, 192\texttimes5\\ concat \& 1\texttimes1 conv, 786}\texttimes2 &
  7\texttimes7 \\



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