[Tex/LaTex] How to include a list of symbols


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Is there a special way, a standard way to include a list of symbols in a LaTeX document:


I have a few possibly ambiguous symbols, like the \odot which would benefit from a definition.

I mean something like you might have at the start of a linear algebra book: $\odot$ – Hadamard product, …

Best Answer

A quick, simple and (very) dirty way.

\chapter*{List of Symbols}
    $+$ & Addition Operator\\
    $-$ & Subtraction Operator\\
    $\times$ & Multiplication Operator\\
    $\sqrt{x}$ & Square Root of $x$\\
    $\odot$ & Foo Bar\\
    $\Leftrightarrow$ & Bar Foo
\chapter{Check chapter}
\chapter{Check chapter}
\section{Check section}

enter image description here

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