[Tex/LaTex] How to import the gnuplot output in LaTeX


I am using the gnuplot and create the myploy.tex as following:

set terminal epslatex   
set output 'mplot.tex'   
set xlabel "Avg. No. of demand duration (slot) "   
set ylabel "Acceptence rate (%)"   
set grid xtics ytics   
set key right bottom   

set style line 1 lw 1 lc 3 pt 7  
set style line 2 lw 1 lc 1 pt 5  
set style line 3 lw 1 lc 0 pt 9  
set style line 4 lw 1 lc 4 pt 3  

plot "AcceptanceRate_Ser.txt" using 2:4:5:6 title "NoMig" with errorlines linestyle 1,\ 
     "AcceptanceRate_Ser.txt" using 2:7:8:9 title "FlowMig" with errorlines linestyle 2 ,\ 
      "AcceptanceRate_Ser.txt" using 2:10:11:12 title "VMMig" with errorlines linestyle 3, \ 
     "AcceptanceRate_Ser.txt" using 2:13:14:15 title "NoRis" with errorlines linestyle 4                     

Finally, I have myplot.tex and myplot.eps.

I need to import them in the LaTeX file as figure I did the following:

\caption{Graph caption}  

and used the following package:


but I can't.

Best Answer

Here are the methods that allow us to use gnuplot directly inside the .tex file.

Using gnuplottex:

%% compile with 'pdflatex --shell-escape myfile.tex'
\usepackage[miktex]{gnuplottex}  %% I am using miktex
    unset key
    set samples 10000
    set format '%g'
    set xlabel "Avg. No. of demand duration (slot) "
    set ylabel "Acceptence rate (%)"
    set xrange [-6:6]
    set yrange [0:0.41]
    f(n,x) = gamma(.5*(n+1))/(sqrt(n*pi)*gamma(.5*n))*((1+x**2/n)**(-.5*(n+1)))
    plot for[i=1:20] f(i,x)

Using pgfplots (code from manual):

%% compile with 'pdflatex --shell-escape myfile.tex'
\addplot gnuplot {sin(x)};

Both need to be compiled with --shell-escape option and you can use pdflatex directly.