[Tex/LaTex] How to highlight sections of the code in algorithm


enter image description here

\usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e} % http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e
\usepackage{xcolor} % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor

\def\HiLi{\leavevmode\rlap{\hbox to \hsize{\color{yellow!50}\leaders\hrule height .8\baselineskip depth .5ex\hfill}}}

 \caption{Evolutionary algorithm}
 initialize population \;
 \HiLi\For( \emph{Evolutionary loop}){$g := 1$ to $G_{max}$}
    \HiLi do things \;
    evolve population \;
 celebrate \;


The code gives me the image below. How can i fill up the highlight to the left margin like in the 1st picture and remove the whitespace between highlights ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would do this using TikZ. The idea is to use TikZ to mark the top and bottom of the region to be marked, and then use a boxing macro which uses the fit library to make a node that fits the marked nodes, with the width calculated automatically.

Because this uses the [remember picture] functionality of TikZ, two compilations will be needed to get the boxes in their correct position.

\usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e} % http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e
\usepackage{xcolor} % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor
%define a marking command
\newcommand*{\tikzmk}[1]{\tikz[remember picture,overlay,] \node (#1) {};\ignorespaces}
%define a boxing command, argument = colour of box
\newcommand{\boxit}[1]{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{\node[yshift=3pt,fill=#1,opacity=.25,fit={(A)($(B)+(.95\linewidth,.8\baselineskip)$)}] {};}\ignorespaces}
%define some colours according to algorithm parts (or any other method you like)

 \caption{Evolutionary algorithm}
 initialize population \;
 \tikzmk{A}\For( \emph{Evolutionary loop}){$g := 1$ to $G_{max}$}
    do things \;
    evolve population \;
 celebrate \;
 \tikzmk{A}\For( \emph{Evolutionary loop}){$g := 1$ to $G_{max}$}
    do things \;
    evolve population \;

enter image description here