[Tex/LaTex] How to have this input Form Field on many lines


I want to have \q{} many lines, while it is designed for one line now.
For example, take value from 2 to the maximum amount of lines per frame.
Code based on Christian's thread answer Creating fillable PDFs.

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/14845/13173



    \def\LayoutTextField#1#2{#2} % override default in hyperref

    \def\lbl#1{\hbox to 4cm{#1\dotfill\strut}}%
    \def\labelline#1#2{\lbl{#1}\vbox{\hbox{\TextField[name=#1,width=#2,bordercolor=white]{\null}}\kern2pt\hrule}} % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/374712/13173

    \def\q#1{\hbox to \hsize{\labelline{#1}{\longline}}\vskip1.4ex}


    \q{Merkki:} % TODO have here many lines
%   \q{}
%   \q{}


Output in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 Output with only one line

enter image description here

Expected output: to have many lines (etc 3) for the input, and show the input on another page

Testing UlrikeFisher's proposal in one environment



%\usepackage[margin=1pt]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry % Beamer loads geometry already!

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387474/13173


 % #Henkilotiedot https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387474/13173

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/385265/13173
\pdfpagewidth 21cm
\pdfpageheight 29.7cm

%% #Henkilotiedot

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/385438/13173
%  \textcolor{gray}{\rule{.5\linewidth}{10cm}}%
        \setlength\tabcolsep{1pt} % default value: 6pt % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/201117/13173

        \rot{{\tiny\textbf{Avain muuttuja}}} 
        & \textbf{V2} & \textbf{V1} & \textbf{V0} 
            & \textbf{TESTI Muuttujat} 
            & \textbf{P1} & \textbf{P2} & \textbf{P3} 
            & \rot{{\tiny\textbf{Kriittinen muuttuja}}} \\ \hline
         &  &  &  & 1. Sosiaaliset taidot &  &  & & \\ \hline
         &  &  &  & 2. Ihmissuhteet (TS: K/E)* &  &  & & \\ \hline
         &  &  &  & 3. Ammatillinen arvio &  &  & & \\ \hline

% Show summary here from Page 1 and 2
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}%remove navigation symbols
    \vskip 1.5cm
    \hspace*{-1.7cm}% to leave 1.0 cm margin

    % Pisteytyskohta https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/385438/13173
    \begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
          \kern0pt % Align at the top
          \copy0 %
        \kern-.2pt %
        \kern-.2pt %
        \vtop to \dimexpr\ht0+\dp0{%
          \kern0pt % Align at the top


% these below eventually are not needed, if this is the last slide of your document
\pdfpagewidth \beamer@paperwidth
\pdfpageheight \beamer@paperheight


Fig. 2 Page setting is affected by the environment

enter image description here

OS: Debian 9
TeXLive: 2017
Acrotex installation: here

Best Answer

It is a bit unclear what you mean with many lines. But in case that you want a multiline text field, here an example with eforms. To get the value to the output page you can either use the same field name (but then you can't give them different "readonly" values), or use javascript (this needs a pdf viewer that can handle it):

 Question:  Say something about ....






enter image description here

enter image description here