[Tex/LaTex] How to have different caption delimiters for captions and contcaptions


I'm using the memoir class and have a figure that is continued on the next page. The markup is roughly this:

\captiondelim{: }

  % ...
  \caption{Foo bar}

  % ...

This results in two figures with the captions

Figure 1: Foo bar


Figure 1: (Continued)

Is there any chance to change the caption delimiter (automatically) for "contcaption"s, such that the result would be (the colon must still be there for normal captions though):

Figure 1 (Continued)

I tried to understand what the \concaption command actually does, but it didn't look like there was a simple solution…

Best Answer

Assuming that in a figure environment you just have a \contcaption, never accompanied by a \caption command, which seems a reasonable assumption, you can do it with



\captiondelim{: }
\preto{\contcaption}{\captiondelim{ }} % change \captiondelim


  % ...
  \caption{Foo bar}

  % ...

  % ...


enter image description here

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