[Tex/LaTex] How to get two figures beside each other, and have them outside the margins


I have googled forever and tried to find the answer to my question, but I can't seem to find an answer to this. I have two figures that I want to place beside each other. The figures are MATLAB plots and are saved as pdfs, therefore they have to be clipped and scaled to get an okay size in my latex file. I have tried to put the figures beside each other by using minipage and this works, but the figures are too large to fit within the text width, so some parts of the figures are not showing.
Can anyone please help me with this?

As of now my latex code looks like this:

    \includegraphics[trim={1.4cm 7.5cm 2.0cm 7.5cm},clip, scale = 0.5]{figure1}
    \caption{Caption one.}

    \includegraphics[trim={1.4cm 7.5cm 2.0cm 7.5cm},clip, scale = 0.5]{figure2}
    \caption{Caption two.}

Best Answer

If you do not have a twoside document then you can ignore the \ifthispageodd line



    \caption{Caption one.\label{bar}}
    \caption{Caption two.}

    \caption{Caption one.}
    \caption{Caption two.\label{foo}}

As seen in Figure~\ref{bar} on page~\pageref{bar} \ldots


As seen in Figure~\ref{foo} on page~\pageref{foo} \ldots


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