[Tex/LaTex] How to get the proper microsymbol, μ not mu, not \textmu because that looks ugly, but the clean one


How do I get a clean looking \micro symbol µ ?

enter image description here

I want a micro symbol, not a greek \mu, because that is another symbol.
However tex does not render the proper symbol, and the symbol that is does render looks like it was stolen from a different font.
The 2nd variant is not much better.

How do I get a \micro symbol that actually looks like it was not copy-pasted from comic-sans?

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

  \path[clip] (  0.00,  0.00) rectangle (433.62,252.94);

  \node[text=drawColor,anchor=base,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, scale=  1] at (242.01, 10.00) 
{Time in μ $\text{\textmu{}} \text{seconds}$, $n = 125\,000$};
% the unicode char "μ" does not render. And it has better not look like #2 above >-:< 

Best Answer

As you don't like the micro symbol from siunitx, I try something else:

Use unicode-math with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX

enter image description here

10 $\symup{\mu}$s


As @Mico stated in the comments, you should combine unicode-math with siunitx by defining a new command – it is more natural IMHO:
