[Tex/LaTex] How to get the pgfplots external tutorial to work in TeXnicCenter


In 7.1.1 of the PGFPLOTS library the following example of externalization is given. Whatever I try, I cannot get it to work in TeXniccenter, running MiKTeX 2.8.

\tikzexternalize% activate externalization!

\addplot {x^2};
\caption{Our first external graphics example}

I tried adding the following command line arguments to the output profile

-shell-escape -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%bm" 

And tried a number of other things, but I cannot get it to work.

Package TiKz error: Sorry the system call 'pdflatex -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "plaatje-figure0" …
did NOT result in a usable output file 'plaatje-figure0'

Best Answer

Updating the MikTeX installation would solve the issue as I'm using the same configuration

enter image description here And the result is

enter image description here

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