Bibliographies – How to Get Sequential References in a Paper


I'm using TeXnicCenter to write all my documents and generate my bib file by using JabRef. However I noticed that my references are out of order. It seems the addition order to JabRef file forces the numbering in my file. Is there a way to see my references sequentially in my paper?

For example,

In my bib file:

  1. Berkay et al. Using References efficiently.
  2. Alan et al. Asking better questions in TeX exchange.

In my tex:

Berkay et al [2] proposed a solution for references and recently Alan et al. [1] criticized him.

My question refers having them [1] and [2], sequentially, in order.

Best Answer

If I understand the question correctly, that you want the bibliography arranged in the order that each item is first cited, then you need to write \bibliographystyle{unsrt} or if you are using natbib then \bibliographystyle{unsrtnat}.

You also need to rerun latex, bibtex, latex, latex, each time the ordering of the citations changes, so as to get the changes to propagate through the .aux, .bbl files.

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