[Tex/LaTex] How to get optional arguments in a TikZ-circuits.ee.IEC symbol


Good Evening,

so in the following Code, I have 'new' circuit symbol, named 'converter'.

In short: I use a 'generic circle', but I do not show him; I paint a pgf-rectangle over it and at least a 'crossline'.
I do not know, if this is the best way, to get a circuit symbol like this, but I do not have any better ideas to paint it (there is no 'generic rectangle').

OK, second there is the keyword 'change', which changes the two text-labels (in the picture: "AC" <—> "DC").

So, my Problem is:

I would like to have the texts inside the symbol as optional arguments, so for example

  • converter={x}{abc}

  • converter={AC}{DC}, as shown in the picture.

But I do not know, how to programm this.

Do you have any ideas?
(Do you have any suggestions for improvement in general?)

Thank you for reading and for your interest.

enter image description here

\documentclass[margin=5mm, tikz]{standalone}

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

%CIRCUIT SYMBOL converter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = converter}
\tikzset{set converter graphic = converter IEC graphic}
\tikzset{converter IEC graphic/.style=
  {transform shape, circuit symbol lines, circuit symbol size = width
2.5 height 2.5, draw=none, rounded corners=2.25pt,
   shape=generic circle IEC, /pgf/generic circle IEC/before
     \pgfusepathqstroke %?


\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC, font=\sffamily\footnotesize]
\draw (0,0) to [converter={info'={converter}, info={Text}}] (2,0);
%converter - Polaritätsumkehr
\draw (0,2) to [converter={info={converter, change}}, change] (2,2);

%huge/ small
\draw (3,0) to [converter={info'={huge}},change,huge circuit symbols] (5,0);
\draw (3,1) to [converter={info={small}},change,small circuit symbols] (5,1);

%upside 1
\draw (7,0) to [converter] (7,2);
%upside 2
\draw (8,2) to [converter] (8,0);
\draw (9,0) to [converter={info' sloped={3.5V$_{\_}$}, info sloped={5V$_{\sim}$}}, change] (11,2);
%crossed 2
\draw (13,2) to [converter, change] (11,0);


Best Answer

I replaced "change" with "convert from" and "convert to".

\documentclass[margin=5mm, tikz]{standalone}

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

%CIRCUIT SYMBOL converter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = converter}
\tikzset{set converter graphic = converter IEC graphic}
\tikzset{convert from/.initial=AC,
         convert from/.default=AC,
         convert to/.initial=DC,
         convert to/.default=DC}
\tikzset{converter IEC graphic/.style=
  {transform shape, circuit symbol lines, circuit symbol size = width
2.5 height 2.5, draw=none, rounded corners=2.25pt,
   shape=generic circle IEC, /pgf/generic circle IEC/before
     \pgfusepathqstroke %?
     \pgftext{\bf{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/convert to}}}
     \pgftext{\bf{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/convert from}}}


\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC, font=\sffamily\footnotesize]
\draw (0,0) to [converter={info'={converter AC$\rightarrow$DC}, info={Text},
  convert from={AC}, convert to={DC}}] (2,0);
%converter - Polaritätsumkehr
\draw (0,2) to [converter={info={converter DC$\rightarrow$AC},
  convert from={DC}, convert to={AC}}] (2,2);

%huge/ small
\draw (3,0) to [converter={info'={huge}, convert from={DC}, convert to={AC}},
  huge circuit symbols] (5,0);
\draw (3,1) to [converter={info={small}, convert from={DC}, convert to={AC}},
  small circuit symbols] (5,1);

%upside 1
\draw (7,0) to [converter] (7,2);
%upside 2
\draw (8,2) to [converter] (8,0);
\draw (9,0) to [converter={info' sloped={3.5V$_{\_}$}, info sloped={5V$_{\sim}$},
  convert from={DC}, convert to={AC}}] (11,2);
%crossed 2
\draw (13,2) to [converter={convert from={DC}, convert to={AC}}] (11,0);

