[Tex/LaTex] How to get big quotation marks again


I am trying to use this answer to get large quotation marks,

\usepackage{libertine} % or any other font package (or none)
\newcommand*\quotefont{\fontfamily{fxl}} % selects Libertine for quote font
% Make commands for the quotes
\newcommand*{\openquote}{\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=-15pt,yshift=-10pt]
 \node (OQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont``};\kern0pt}
\newcommand*{\closequote}{\tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=15pt,yshift=10pt]
 \node (CQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont''};}
% select a colour for the shading
% wrap everything in its own environment

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white}



A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.\par\emph{Douglas Adams}


Unfortunately this now gives me miserable and skinny quotation marks instead. I heard that the libertine package had changed recently but I can't see how to fix this. I am using TeX Live 2013.

The error I get is

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/fxl/m/it' undefined
(Font)              using `T1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 130.

Best Answer

Indeed, the font family name has changed. You can use

\newcommand*\quotefont{\fontfamily{LinuxLibertineT-TLF}} % selects Libertine for quote font

I suggest also to change \kern0pt into \kern4pt or something else that avoids the quote bumping in the first character.

Note that \RequirePackage is not needed: the option to xcolor can be passed in the \documentclass line.

\usepackage{libertine} % or any other font package (or none)
\newcommand*\quotefont{\fontfamily{LinuxLibertineT-TLF}} % selects Libertine for quote font
% Make commands for the quotes
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=-15pt,yshift=-10pt]
  \node (OQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont``};%
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay,xshift=15pt,yshift=10pt]
  \node (CQ) {\quotefont\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont''};%
% select a colour for the shading
% wrap everything in its own environment

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white}

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.\par\emph{Douglas Adams}


enter image description here