[Tex/LaTex] How to get a description from glossary entry


I define my entry with:

\newglossaryentry{foo}{name={foo}, description={foo description}}

I can refer to it in a text with \Gls{foo} which puts a href link to Glossary.
Is is possible to get a raw string with description from glossary entry?
For example

The term \gls{foo} is defined as: \GlsDesc{foo}

or something like this. I'd like it to output a raw description text without hreflinks and such in the middle of the text.

So the output of that would be:

The term foo is defined as: foo description

Is it possible ?

EDIT: It would be nice if a reference to another glossary entry in description wouldn't break:

\newglossaryentry{bar}{name={bar}, description={bar description}}
\newglossaryentry{foo}{name={foo}, description={foo and \gls{bar} description}}

This is foo desc: \glsdesc{foo}

The reference is broken, this is the output:

This is foo desc: foo and ``gls-bar`` description

instead of expected:

This is foo desc: foo and bar description

Best Answer

This command is called \glsdesc{<your key>} Analogous to the symbol commands there are three versions of this command:

\glsdesc{<your key>}
\Glsdesc{<your key>} 
\GLSdesc{<your key>}

And of course the starred versions:

\glsdesc*{<your key>}
\Glsdesc*{<your key>} 
\GLSdesc*{<your key>}

The latter should meet your demands.

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