Chessboard – How to Get a 4 by 4 Chessboard or Any Other Size


I've seen some package to draw chessboard on LaTeX such as skak and chessboard.
However, after reading the documentation, they don't seem to support a change of the board size. I'm talking about the number of squares in the board, not the visual size.

If you're curious, I'm trying to represent solutions to the n-queens problem.

So a simple way to draw a chessboard of any size and some queens in it is what I'm looking for.
Also, some way to write numbers on the side and some specific letters under the board would be great.

Edit : I used Mike Renfro's solution but I changed it a bit to get variables on the bottom label and remove the mover square:


        \chessboard[style=4x4,setwhite={Qa3,Qb1,Qc4, Qd2}, labelbottomformat=\mylabelformat, showmover=false]
        \chessboard[style=4x4,setwhite={Qa3,Qb1,Qc4, Qd2}, labelbottomformat=\mylabelformat, showmover=false]

Solutions for 4-Queens

Best Answer

Adpated from chessboard manual (and edited per comments below):


4x4 board

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