[Tex/LaTex] How to Generate Random Negative Integer

pgfmathrandom numbers

I am trying to create a worksheet constituted of random numbers so that kids can practice integer operations. E.g.





How do I do this?

Here is what I've tried so far.






Two problems.

  1. Why is there an extra 0.0. before the integer?
  2. Why is that random number 7 when my bounds are -10 and 10? Picking 7 repeatedly seems pretty non-random.

Some of this was mentioned in another thread but that thread is now a couple of years old.

Got ideas?


Best Answer

To work around the bug of the random function, you may defined a new randomfixed function:

\tikzset{declare function={randomfixed(\a,\b) = int(random(0,int(\b-\a))+\a);}}

Now, you may generate a random integer between two boundaries with parentheses for negative integer:

  \pgfmathsetmacro\final{(\myval < 0)?"(\myval)":\myval}%

You may generate random operators:


To change the seed of the pseudo-random generator each second, you may use the \pdfuniformdeviate macro:

\pgfmathsetseed{\pdfuniformdeviate 10000000}

All the code:


% fix bug with random(a,b)
\tikzset{declare function={randomfixed(\a,\b) = int(random(0,int(\b-\a))+\a);}}

% get random integer
  \pgfmathsetmacro\final{(\myval < 0)?"(\myval)":\myval}%

% get random operator

% choose random seed
\pgfmathsetseed{\pdfuniformdeviate 10000000}

\foreach \n in {1,...,10}{
   $\randomint{-10}{10} \randomop{} \randomint{-10}{10} = $\par

And a result:

enter image description here

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