[Tex/LaTex] How to fit a table in a two column article


enter image description hereI am new to latex. I used this site to create a table for my latex document. However, I need the table be spanned over the second column of the document. How can I do this?

Thank you.

\textbf{Table 2}             & \multicolumn{4}{c}{{\ul \textbf{Random Forest}}}                                                          & \multicolumn{4}{c}{{\ul \textbf{Neural Network}}}                                                         \\ \midrule
Mis. Val. Strat./Perf.Merics & \textit{\textbf{Acc.}}   & \textit{\textbf{Prec.}}  & \textit{\textbf{Rec.}}   & \textit{\textbf{F}}      & \textit{\textbf{Acc.}}   & \textit{\textbf{Prec.}}  & \textit{\textbf{Rec.}}   & \textit{\textbf{F}}      \\
Remove Missing rows          & 98\%                     & 97\%                     & 98\%                     & 97\%                     & 96\%                     & 63\%                     & 98\%                     & 76\%                     \\
Replace with mode            & 95\%                     & 94\%                     & 99\%                     & 96\%                     & 96\%                     & 67\%                     & 97\%                     & 77\%                     \\
Predict with decision tree   & {97\%} & {95\%} & {98\%} & {97\%} & {99\%} & {67\%} & {98\%} & {77\%} \\ \bottomrule

Best Answer

this is the best what can be daoe with your table (it is simply to big that can be fitted in one column as it is ...):

enter image description here

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}

\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{9}{l} }
\textbf{Table 2}
    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Random Forest}}
        & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Neural Network}}       \\
\makecell[l]{Mis. Val. Strat.\\ /Perf.Merics}
    & \textit{\textbf{Acc.}}  & \textit{\textbf{Prec.}} & \textit{\textbf{Rec.}}    & \textit{\textbf{F}}
    & \textit{\textbf{Acc.}}  & \textit{\textbf{Prec.}} & \textit{\textbf{Rec.}}    & \textit{\textbf{F}}   \\
\makecell[l]{Remove\\ Missing rows}
    & 98\%                  & 97\%                      & 98\%                      & 97\%
    & 96\%                  & 63\%                      & 98\%                      & 76\%                  \\
\makecell[l]{Replace with\\ mode}
    & 95\%                  & 94\%                      & 99\%                      & 96\%
    & 96\%                  & 67\%                      & 97\%                      & 77\%                  \\
\makecell[l]{Predict with\\ decision tree}
    & 97\%                  & 95\%                      & 98\%                      & 97\%
    & 99\%                  & 67\%                      & 98\%                      & 77\%                  \\
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