[Tex/LaTex] How to enumerate the items in line within the paragraph not each item in a separate line?


I want to have the following:

A graph can be cut in several ways including 
\begin {enumerate*} [label=\itshape\alph*\upshape)]
\item minimum cut, \item normalised cut and \item average cut. 
\end {enumerate*} 
In our project we have surveyed the Normalised Cut (Ncut)  algorithm for image segmentation.

A graph can be cut in several ways including 1) minimum cut, 2) normalised cut and 3) average cut. In our project we have surveyed the Normalised Cut (Ncut) algorithm for image segmentation.

Best Answer

You'll get an inline enumerated list if you (a) load the enumitem package with the inline option and (b) use the enumerate* environment:

enter image description here

A graph can be cut in several ways including 
\begin {enumerate*} [label=\itshape\alph*\upshape)]
\item minimum cut, \item normalised cut and \item average cut. 
\end {enumerate*} 
In our project we have surveyed the Normalised Cut (Ncut)  algorithm for image segmentation.
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