Packages – How to Draw a Quiver in LaTeX


I tried to draw this in latex.

enter image description here

But not successful. How could I draw this quiver in latex? Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Two solutions: one based on pstricks, the other on tikz-cd. For the pstricks solution, you can compile with pdflatex if you launch it with option --enable-write18 (MiKTeX) or -shell-escape (TeX Live, MacTeX). Alternatively, you can compile with xelatex:

\usepackage{pst-node, auto-pst-pdf}


$ \psset{arrows=->, arrowinset=0.15, nodesep=4pt,  colsep=0.8cm,  rowsep=0.9cm,  linewidth=0.5pt, linejoin=1}
  %%% nodes
  & β& & α\\
  b &  & a &  & c
  \ncline{1,2}{2,1} \ncline{1,2}{2,3}%

\vskip 1cm
%\tikzcdset{column sep/normal=0.5cm}
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=0.5cm, row sep=0.7cm]
  & β\dlar \drar & & α\\
  b &  & a\arrow[ll]\urar\arrow[rr]&  & c \ular


enter image description here

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