[Tex/LaTex] How to draw these polygons with shaded regions


I don't know how to draw this by LaTeX.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just for fun with PSTricks.

The first diagram:

enter image description here

    % declare the points, specify the labels and the labels' positions.
    % specify the intersection point between line A1A3 and A2A4, name the intersection point I.
    % fill the inner region
    % construct the remaining inner lines
    \pstLineAB{A_2}{I}% you can also use \psline{A_2}{I} instead.
    \pstLineAB{A_3}{I}% you can also use \psline{A_3}{I} instead.
    % construct the outer lines
    % construct a dashed line

The construction steps are summarized as follows,

enter image description here

The second diagram:

enter image description here

    % fill the inner regions with even-odd rule.

The construction steps are summarized as follows,

enter image description here

The last diagram:

enter image description here


    % declare the points, specify the labels and the labels' positions.
    % specify the intersection points.
    % fill the shaded region.
    % construct the remaining lines.
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