[Tex/LaTex] How to draw the following attacker picture in protocol using TiKZ


The attacker in protocol, how to draw the following picture using TiKZ in latex ?
The attacker in protocol, how to draw the attacker picture using TiKZ in latex ? Alice Bob and Eva ?

Best Answer

I don't know too much about security protocols but tikzpeople package has been designed by its author Nils Fleischhacker with this intention:

The package was originally written to provide me with shapes of people to depict parties in cryptographic protocols and security definitions on beamer slides.

There's no devil figure, but there exist evil option which can provide funny results:


\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1.5cm}]
\node[alice] (alice) {};
\node[bob, right= 4cm of alice, mirrored] (bob) {};
\draw[->, thick] (alice) -- coordinate[near start] (aux) (bob);
\node[priest, evil, mirrored, above right=-5mm and 1cm of alice] (priest) {};
\draw[->,red, ultra thick] (priest)--(aux);

enter image description here

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