Tkz-Kiviat – How to Draw Kiviat Diagrams


This question led to a new package:

Is there a way to draw Kiviat diagrams easily?

Sample Kiviat diagram

Best Answer

It was interesting to make a package to use TikZ to build Kiviat Diagram. This package is now on CTAN: tkz-kiviat. You can find some examples on my homepage: kiviat examples.

The first example uses three macros with arguments. First, you create a spider, then you can create a kiviat polygon and you can create graduations


\tkzKiviatDiagram[scale=1.25,label distance=.5cm,
        radial  = 5,
        gap     = 1,  
        lattice = 5]{McCabe,LOC,Live Variables,Halstead N,Variablenspanne}
\tkzKiviatLine[ultra thick,mark=ball,
                 mark size=4pt,color =Maroon](2,3.75,1,1.5,2)    
\tkzKiviatGrad[prefix=,unity=100,suffix=\ \texteuro](1)  


kiviat example

Another solution is to use an external file with data



        label distance=.5cm,
        gap     = 1,label space=3,  
        lattice = 10]{tableae.dat}
                       color      = blue,
                       mark       = ball,
                       ball color = blue,
                       mark size  = 4pt,
                       fill       = blue!20]{tableae.dat}{2}
                       color      = red,
                       mark       = ball,
                       ball color = red,
                       mark size  = 4pt,
                       fill       = red!20]{tableae.dat}{1} 


The tableae.dat file is used with the package pgfplotstable.sty

column1                    column2   column3 
Reliability                6           6.5
Usability                  4           9
{Application Architecture} 7           8
{Version Control}          6.5         7
Timeliness                 2           8
Efficiency                 3           4
Effectiveness              5           6.5
Interoperability           1.5         7 

kiviat diagram with an external file