[Tex/LaTex] How to draw arrow and loop with rounded heads instead of arrow shapes


Can any one help me with this. I want to draw an arrow and a loop with rounded nodes as in the image?

enter image description here

I am waiting for your expertise.

Best Answer

I used TikZ; for your specific question about the arrow tips, I used the arrows library (see Section 23 Arrow Tip Library of the pgf manual). The following code can be used as a starting point:



  myloop/.style={to path={.. controls +(50:1) and +(-50:1) .. (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
  myellipse/.style={draw,ellipse, x radius=1cm, text width=4cm, text height=1.3cm}

\node[myellipse] at (0,0) (top) {};
\node[myellipse] at (0,-4) (bottom) {};
\node[draw,circle, inner sep=10pt] at ($(top.center)+(-1,0)$) (dutch) {};
\node[draw,circle, inner sep=10pt] at ($(top.center)+(1,0)$) (english) {};

\foreach \x/\y in {-1.2/-3.5,-0.6/-3.7,-0.9/-3.8,-1.2/-4.1,-0.9/-4.1,-0.6/-4.1,-1/-4.4,-0.7/-4.4}
  \draw (\x,\y) circle [radius=2pt];
\foreach \x/\y in {1.2/-3.5,0.6/-3.7,0.9/-3.8,1.2/-4.1,0.9/-4.1,0.6/-4.1,1/-4.4,0.7/-4.4}
  \fill (\x,\y) circle [fill=black,radius=2pt];

\draw[*-,ultra thick] (bottom.5) to [myloop] (bottom.355);
\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (-1,-3.5) -- (dutch);
\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (1,-3.5) -- (english);
\draw[*-,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (-0.8,-3.5) -- (english);
\draw[*-,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (0.8,-3.5) -- (dutch);
\draw[->,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (-0.8,-5.5) -- (-0.8,-4.5);
\draw[-*,ultra thick,shorten >=3pt] (0.8,-5.5) -- (0.8,-4.5);

\node[mytext] at (-1,0.7) {DUTCH};
\node[mytext] at (1,0.7) {ENGLISH};
\node[mytext] at (-2.2,-4) {DUTCH\\ WORDS};
\node[mytext] at (2,-4) {ENGLISH\\ WORDS};


enter image description here

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