[Tex/LaTex] How to draw areas between curves of the form $x=f(y)$ and $x=g(y)$


I want to shade the region between two curves whose equations are of the form $x=f(y)$ and $x=g(y)$, where $f(y)\leq g(y)$ for all $y\in [c,d]$. I heard that pgfplots can be used. Also, the fillbetween library doesn't load in my Mac. Can you help me with this, guys? I want something like this one:

areas using horizontal strips

I used GeoGebra to generate the image. Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Here is a suggestion using the fillbetween library and soft clip to domain y:

\addplot[thick,name path=P] ({.5*(x-2)^2+.5},{x})node[pos=0.92,above]{x=f(y)};
\addplot[thick,name path=Q]({-.3*(x-2)^2+2},{x})node[pos=0.94,above]{x=g(y)};
\addplot[red!80!black!40] fill between [of=P and Q, soft clip={domain y=\C:\D},reverse=true];

enter image description here



\pgfplotsset{compat=1.10}% version 1.10 of pgfplots is needed


      axis lines*=middle,
    \addplot[thick,name path=P] ({.5*(x-2)^2+.5},{x})node[pos=0.92,above]{x=f(y)};
    \addplot[thick,name path=Q]({-.3*(x-2)^2+2},{x})node[pos=0.94,above]{x=g(y)};
    \addplot[red!80!black!40] fill between [of=P and Q, soft clip={domain y=\C:\D},reverse=true];
    \draw({rel axis cs:0,0}|-{axis cs:0,\C})--({rel axis cs:1,1}|-{axis cs:0,\C});
    \draw({rel axis cs:0,0}|-{axis cs:0,\D})--({rel axis cs:1,1}|-{axis cs:0,\D});
    \node[above left]at(axis cs:0,\C){c};
    \node[above left]at(axis cs:0,\D){d};
    \node at (axis cs:1.25,2){R};
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