[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a Seq2Seq RNN model with tikz


I would like to draw this RNN encoder-decoder model, with tikz found here:


This is a nice diagram, but unfortunately I'm not sure how to start designing it. Could someone help me get started? Thank you in advance.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's a not-quite-complete replication of the diagram you posted, inspired by the code in the seq2seq-talk repository:seq2seq diagram



      hid/.style 2 args={
        rectangle split,
        rectangle split horizontal,
        rectangle split parts=#1,
        outer sep=1mm}]
      % draw input nodes
      \foreach \i [count=\step from 1] in {the,blue,house,{{$<$eos$>$}}}
        \node (i\step) at (2*\step, -2) {\i};
      % draw output nodes
      \foreach \t [count=\step from 4] in {la,casa,azul,{{$<$eos$>$}}} {
        \node[align=center] (o\step) at (2*\step, +2.75) {\t};
      % draw embedding and hidden layers for text input
      \foreach \step in {1,...,3} {
        \node[hid={3}{red}] (h\step) at (2*\step, 0) {};
        \node[hid={3}{red}] (e\step) at (2*\step, -1) {};    
        \draw[->] (i\step.north) -> (e\step.south);
        \draw[->] (e\step.north) -> (h\step.south);
      % draw embedding and hidden layers for label input
      \foreach \step in {4,...,7} {
        \node[hid={3}{yellow}] (s\step) at (2*\step, 1.25) {};
        \node[hid={3}{blue}] (h\step) at (2*\step, 0) {};
        \node[hid={3}{blue}] (e\step) at (2*\step, -1) {};    
        \draw[->] (e\step.north) -> (h\step.south);
        \draw[->] (h\step.north) -> (s\step.south);
        \draw[->] (s\step.north) -> (o\step.south);
      % edge case: draw edge for special input token
      \draw[->] (i4.north) -> (e4.south);
      % draw recurrent links
      \foreach \step in {1,...,6} {
        \draw[->] (h\step.east) -> (h\next.west);
      % draw predicted-labels-as-inputs links
      \foreach \step in {4,...,6} {
        \path (o\step.north) edge[->,out=45,in=225] (e\next.south);
